Studio One

One Union’s original 5.1 surround room is built around an Avid System 5 console. With the S5’s discrete Class-A microphone preamps and infinitely configurable console, Studio 1 is a very powerful suite. We run the latest AVID ProTools Ultimate software in every room and, using the AVID Matrix interface, provide the best in sound recording and signal routing. Studio 1 was designed with perfect acoustics and includes windows to the outside world for the ultimate in client comfort.

Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz 5.1 Surround

Apple MacPro

Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer

AVID MTRX with Dante and 64 channels Madi

AVID Protools Ultimate


Denon AVR

Blackmagic Ultra Studio 4K

NVision Digital Projection

100” Stewart Perforated Screen

Genelec 1037B / 1021A / 1092 Monitors

JK Audio Voip hybrid phone interface

Apple 4K TV

studio two

Studio 2 was built for commercial post-production, ADR and sound design sessions and features a bevy of tools which ease creative demands. The latest edition of the Genelec 1237B Monitoring System, ensures that what you hear in the studio is what you’ll hear everywhere else. The natural light-filled studio 2 adds a warm feeling when your mixing at One Union Recording.

Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz Apple MacPro in Sonnet chassis with Dual HDX cards Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer AVID MTRX with Dante and 64 channels Madi and 8 mic pre channels AVID Protools Ultimate AVID HD Sync Denon …

studio Three

Studio 3 is the sister room to Studio 2. It gets called on for commercial post- production mixing, ADR and sound design sessions. Now with the latest AVID MTRX interface and a System 5 mixing console this studio is a powerhouse of signal routing and amazing sound quality!

Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz Apple MacPro in Sonnet chassis with Dual HDX cards Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer AVID HD Sync AVID MTRX with Dante and 64 channels Madi and 8 mic pre channels AVID Protools Ultimate Denon …

Studio Four - Dolby atmos

All New Studio 4 has along with Studio 5 been built from the ground up to be one of the first Dolby Certified Atmos production rooms in San Francisco. We have installed the full Atmos Production Suite as well as the Atmos RMU to give our clients the most flexibility in surround formats. From Stereo to VR to Dolby ATMOS 9.4.1, Studio 4 will be the go-to mix room for any production.

Dolby ATMOS 9.1.4 Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz Avid DF-66 (4 DSP Cards) Apple MacPro in Sonnet chassis with Dual HDX cards Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer AVID HD Sync AVID MTRX with Dante and 128 channels Madi and 8 mi…

Dolby ATMOS 9.1.4

Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz

Avid DF-66 (4 DSP Cards)

Apple MacPro

Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer


AVID MTRX with Dante and 128 channels Madi and 8 mic pre channels

AVID Protools Ultimate


Anthem Atmos AVR

Denon BluRay DVD

Focusrite ISA 430 MK2 mic pre

Tube Tech Mic Pre

Tube Tech Compressor

Manley Vox Box

Blackmagic Ultra Studio 4K

110 inch projection screen

Sony Ultra 4k Laser Projector

Genelec SAM System 1237B mains (left center right)

Genelec SAM System 7380AP subwoofer

Genelec SAM System surrounds and overheads 8341

Focusrite Rednet AM2 Dante Cue system

JK Audio Voip hybrid phone interface

Apple 4K TV

Studio Five - Dolby atmos

The brand new Studio 5 is our rock star room. From Stereo to VR to Dolby ATMOS 9.1.4, Studio 5 will be the go-to mix room for any production. It has the largest recording space at One Union and features a huge 61 inch playback monitor for ADR in the voice booth. In the control room, we have installed an enormous 110 inch retractable projection screen. The power of this system will leave any gear head weak in the knees. We installed TWO fully loaded AVID matrix interfaces totaling over 240 analog, madi and Dante outputs and 256 analog, madi, and Dante inputs that seamlessly interface with our most powerful Euphonix System 5 nine-foot console. This room can tackle any kind of production or mix situation all the way to 9.1.4

Transform Your Projects with Unrivaled Sound Quality by stepping into our world-class post-production rooms to hear the difference!

Dolby ATMOS 9.1.4 Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz Avid DF-70 (8 DSP cards) Apple MacPro in Sonnet chassis with Dual HDX cards Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer AVID HD Sync AVID MTRX with Dante and 128 channels Madi and 8 mi…

Dolby ATMOS 9.1.4

Avid System 5 Version 6.0.3 44.1 khz up to 96 khz

Avid DF-70 (8 DSP cards)

Apple MacPro

Brainstorm DCD-8 word clock synchronizer

AVID HD Sync AVID MTRX with Dante and 128 channels Madi and 8 mic pre channels

AVID Protools Ultimate

Anthem Atmos AVR

Denon BluRay DVD

Fern VT 2 mic pre

Focusrite ISA 430 MK2 mic pre

6 x Focusrite ISA 110 mic pre

Avalon 2 channel mic pre

Avalon 2 channel eq

2 x Neve Channel mic pre / compressors

3 x Neve Channel EQs

Summit Dual Channel EQ

Summint Dual Channel Compressor

Focusrite 230 Compressor

2 x EL8 Distressor Compressors

Maley Slam Compressor

Blackmagic Ultra Studio 4K

110 inch projection screen

Sony Ultra 4k Laser Projector

Genelec SAM System 1237B mains (left center right)

Genelec SAM System 7380AP subwoofer

Genelec SAM System surrounds

8341 Focusrite Rednet AM2 Dante Cue system

JK Audio Voip hybrid phone interface

Apple 4K TV