One Union

recording Studios

San Francisco’s Premiere Post Production Studio


Unrivaled Rooms, Unparalleled Sound


At One Union, we understand the creativity business. Between the state-of-the-art facilities, a well-appointed environment, and, most importantly, award winning talent—we see your project through to its fullest potential. Through valuing vision and endless possibility, we ensure your imagination remains inspired through every step.

See why top creators choose us for quality and performance!


 Located in the heart of San Francisco’s advertising district, One Union Recording started in 1995 with a single room. Today we have five studios, two of which are DOLBY ATMOS 9.4.1, and three 5.1 surround sound rooms. One Union is serving as a top-notch resource to the world’s premier advertising agencies.

Without limits, One Union prides itself on bringing projects to life, ranging from advertising, to television and film production. Our dedication to technical knowledge and expertise allows the ability to concentrate on building relationships. Since the turn of the century, the company has extended internationally with no limits to our client base.
